Monday, February 9, 2015

Minsan Lang Sila Bata

Minsan Lang Sila Bata is a social documentary about child labor in the different parts of the Philippines. The heart clenching documentary exposes the bitter reality in which the children live. The documentary is so raw and engaging that it usually moves the audience to tears due to feeling sorry for the children. The brutal reality that these children has to face everyday is often struck the audience with a sense of guilt for not being able to do something to help these children. Others may blame the system and the parents who allows their children to work instead of going to school. Whatever the audience reaction may be, one thing remains irrevocable: The character components of these children are limited by the social parameters that hinders them to achieve more in life.

Components of Character: Reality in the Reel
The child labor documentary was narrated through the stories of different children from three provinces in the Philippines. Dio and Tikboy works in a slaughter house for pigs and cows in Cebu from dusk to dawn. They are only paid a portion of the fat scraped off from the animals.  Farmer kids works in a Sugar cane hacienda in Ormoc to repay the debt of their family. While another group of children works in the pier and  unloads 250 sacks of cements for two days and gets a payment of P10 pesos each.The children are underpaid and abused. They don't go to school either due to financial problems, or the lack of support for parents. Because of the lack of education, it became apparent that the dreams of these children became limited as well. When ask what they wanted to become when they grow up, one of the kids in the pier said that he wanted a better position in life. Unfortunately, that better position for him is not to become a doctor or any professional but to become a utility boy on the ship! For him, dusting and cleaning the ship is a better role than carrying the sacks of cement. A more logical person can't blame the child though, indeed, dusting is far more a lighter task compared to the 45 kilos of cement he has to carry. The physical health of these children were also greatly affected. Due to lack of sleep and proper nutrition, most of the kids are smaller for their age. The children in Cebu suffered from skin diseases due to the poor working conditions of the slaughter house. The children in the haciendas of Ormoc suffered from cuts for using sharp bolos and the children in the pier were in danger of lung cancer due to the cement dust. 

The over all impact of the film is so strong and the effect may remain for more than a few days. The poignant reality this time is more empowering than the martyr-en-fiction.

West Side Story

West Side Story is an American Musical set in the West Side neighborhood in New York City during the 1950's. The story revolves around the rivalry of two teenage street gangs with different ethnic backgrounds: the Jets and the Sharks.



The Jets is the Caucasian gang under the leadership of Riff. The Jets does not like the Sharks and considers them a threat to their territory. This attitude of the Jets may be attributed to their being native of the place. Since the Jets are the pure residents of the place, they were afraid that the arrival of the Sharks may give them unnecessary competition.


The Sharks are Puerto Ricans who migrated in New York after the second world war.The sharks were under the leadership of Tony who has a beautiful sister named Maria. The Sharks felt oblige to fight for their rights from the jets. Being the new comer has given the jets the backward edge in the game. Since they are the new comer, they had to fight their way in almost everything. They played the challenger while the Jets assumed the defending role.

Overall, the dark theme, the sophisticated music and the extended dance scenes gave a very creative approach in representing the social problems during the 50's.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Little Miss Sunshine en Mise-en-scene

Little Miss Sunshine is a heart-warming, American road drama film about a family's journey to support the dream of the seven year old Olive (Abigail Breslin) to join a beauty pageant in California. During the two days road trip, the family experienced a lot of set backs and challenges (including the death of Olive's grandpa) which ultimately brought the dysfunctional family closer than ever.

Aside from the light comic-drama story crafted in a linear plot, the movie can be best appreciated through it's mise-en-scene.


The decorative styles used in the set and props in the movie were in Au naturel. It achieved the look and feel of a middle class American home, complete with modern but not ultra expensive furniture and stuff. The use of paper plates and the different plastic drinking wares (assumed to be taken from product freebies) used during the dining suggested the not-so-organized nor ideal characteristic of the family.

Camera Shots

\The film makers clearly know when and what shots to use for a certain scene. Close up shots were taken to emphasize emotion, medium for conversations, etc. The over all camera shots combined somehow creatively made a lighter atmosphere for drama without sacrificing the entire story.


The Film used High Key Lighting making the entire frame look so bright with almost no shadow at all (except the night scenes, of course). Since the film is supposed to be a feel good film with a minor touch o f family drama, the High Key Lighting helped achieve this by lighting up the tensions of the character dialogues in the frame.


There were only three primary locations in the film: the family house in New Alboquerque, Mexico, The Redondo Beach in California (where the pageant is going to be held), and the long, barren road that they have to travel to reach their for two days.

Friday, February 6, 2015

Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros

Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros (The Blossoming of Maximo Oliveros), is an award winning comic, coming of age film about a teen gay who is torn between the love and loyalty to his family and a cop. Set in the urban slums in Manila, Philippines, the movie tackles sensitive issues such as gender equality, family, poverty, and justice.

The main characters of the film are men whose lives were interwoven due to conflicting views and ways of how to survive the harsh realities of living.

The representations of men in the film are highly affected by the Filipinos' cultural context in the ideal roles of men in the country.


Maximo Oliveros (Natahan Lopez), the main protagonist of the film is a reel representation of the real effeminate general gay teens in the country. The youngest in the kin of three, Maxi is soft spoken, loving and caring. He has a short hair but wears feminine clothing and accessories (hari clips, bangles etc.). He acts as the female in the family. He takes care of his brothers and father, do the household chores, and cooks food for them. He ultimately falls in love to a cop and was ready to assume the female responsibilities for him (e.g. cooks for him, takes care ofhim while he is sick.. etc).

Victor Perez (JR Valentin), Maxi's love interest, is the representation of the Action Hero in the film. He is tall, with broad shoulders, great build, and a handsome face. He does not have a girl friend and it was not clarified whether he is straight or not. Victor plays the role of the righteous man who will influence Maxi to go away with the illegal means of living and become a better person. However, despite efforts of doing the right thing, he will be tormented by his own demons and will be torn between his duties and his affectionate friendship with Maxi.

Paco Oliveros ( Soliman Cruz), is the representation of the ideal Filipino father. He is tough but accepts Maxi's sexuality and loves him deeply. He leads the household and his decision is respected by his three sons. He serves as the ultimate voice and decision maker of the family. Despite striving in illegal means, Paco remains to be a good father and provider of the family. To him, the duties in the family is of greater weight than the duties to the society.

Boy Olveros (Neil Ryan Sese), represents the man of few words in the film. The eldest of the Oliveros brothers, Boy rarely talks and is perceived as the serious type among the three. However, despite being seemingly aloof, it was apparent that Boy loved Maxi dearly. This became apparent when he and his brother Bogs took revenge to the men who tried to molest and made fun of Maxi. Bogs is the representation of the Filipino's "Lalaking-lalaki" character. His strong facade however was diminished the moment he committed murder while trying to rob a student.

Bogs Oliveros (Ping Medina), is the representation of another type of Filipino kuya. Unlike Boy, Bogs is more of the talkative elder brother who likes to talk and jokes around with Maxi. His hair is long and has tattoos on his arms. There personal bonding with Maxi involves watching pirated movies and Maxi braiding his long hair. Despite differences in behavior, both Bogs and Boy represents the ideal kuyas who are both willing to sacrifice a huge part of them for the welfare of their beloved younger brother, Maxi.

c) Janice 2/6/15

photos from Google

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Pride and Prejudice

 Pride and Prejudice is an adaptation from the same titled novel by Georgian era, English author Jane Austen published during the early 19th century. The movie  tells about the five unmarried daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet and how the arrival of the eligible and rich bachelors (Mr. Bingley and Mr. Darcy) in their neighborhood affects the lives of the family. Set during the 19th century era, the story revolves around conservative customs and traditions of the old English era which greatly affected the characters norms and views when it comes to marriage and true love.Most of the characters were influenced by the society's high regard on marriage, wealth, vanity, style, manners and class.



The Bennet family is a member of the middle class society in England. The members of the family are Mr and Mrs. Bennet with their five daughters; Jane, Elizabeth, Lydia, Kitty and Mary. 

Mr. Bennet
Mr Bennet has a high regard for books. He is exasperated with his ridiculous wife and somewhat hard headed daughters who usually fills the house with boisterous laughter. He uses books as a temporal escape from reality and withdraws from the family by assuming  a seemingly detached position. However, he remains a likable father figure through out the film. Though usually asked by his often hysterical wife's support on matters concerning their daughters' marriage, Mr. Bennet remains calm and would rather choose his daughter's genuine happiness over the illusion of pretentious marriage for society's sake. He is closest to Elizabeth, her second to the eldest daughter, since they are the two most intelligent members of the Bennet family.  

Mrs. Bennet
The matriarch of the Bennet family. She is a woman described with an unlikable manner during the era. She was noisy and foolish. Her main and only concern was to get her daughters married. She was willing to go extra lengths just for her daughters to catch the most eligible bachelors. Unfortunately, her lack of social graces caused these bachelors and their upper class families to alienate from her daughters. 

Jane Bennet 
Is the eldest of the Bennet sisters and is considered as the most beautiful in their neighborhood. She is sweet, good natured, and sensible but not as clever as Elizabeth. She represents the adored young lady in the era; soft spoken, beautiful, eager and cheerful. Her heart will ultimately be taken by Mr. Bingley, the most eligible bachelor who has just arrived in the neighborhood,

Elizabeth Bennet
The female protagonist of the story, Elizabeth is the second daughter of the Bennets and the smartest of the sisters. Elizabeth is the total opposite of Jane, though the two sisters are the closest and loved each other deeply. If Jane was soft spoken, Elizabeth was a head strong brunette with a sharp mouth, Elizabeth is frank and is not afraid to air her opinion regardless if it was asked or not. Elizabeth 
spends most of her time reading books. This encouraged her to be an unorthodox thinker and develop liberal views on the woman's role in the society and in love. However, her smart personality would lead her to develop a prejudice on the upperclass families, especially on the "snobbish" Mr. Darcy who will ultimately win her heart out at the end.

Lydia Bennet 
The troublemaker. 
One of the younger sisters who seemed like the younger version of her mother's folly. Lydia is loud and frivolous. Her main hobby is socializing and oftentimes flirting with the militia. Lydia dominates her older sister kitty and shows less regard of the moral codes of the society. She cared less if she has tarnished the family's name by eloping with one of the military officers in the middle of the film.

Kitty and Mary Bennet
The two younger Bennet sisters has little participation on the film. Mary also likes to read and play the piano but was never genius in any of her pursuits. Kitty was a shadow of Lydia and supported her during her flirting activities with the militia. 


Mr. Darcy

Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy is the male protagonist of the story who's heart will be captured by the headstrong and opinionated Elizabeth. 
He is wealthy and owns a family estate in Derbyshire whose income placed him as one of the wealthiest persons during the time. He is tall, handsome and intelligent. However, he lacks the social ease which Mr. Bingley has causing Elizabeth's prejudice. Elizabeth thought that Mr. Darcy was a snob brat from the upper class society. 

Mr. Bingley
Charles Bingley is a handsome, good natured gentleman who falls in love with Jane. He is a contrasting figure of Mr. Darcy. Bingley and is considered as more kind, warm and friendly. However he lacks reasoning and is often influenced by other people's decision. He made his best decision when he decided to follow his heart and went back to Jane. 

c) Janice 2/4/15
photos from: Google